The Application Of A New Transportable And Robust Radiation Measuring System That Conducts In Situ And Real Time Radio-Element Concentration Measurements


GNSS and Geodesy

Full Paper Review



Jacques Bezuidenhout, Stellenbosch University, South AFrica,
Wilhelm Jacobus Herbst, Optron (Pty) LtD, South Africa,


A geophysics group of the Stellenbosch University has been conducting research by means of radio-element mapping at various locations by measuring gamma ray emissions. The mapping has historically been conducted by means of sampling and in situ measurements of radionuclides. The employment of these methods limits the number of sampling points and requires post processing of the raw data.

The in situ measurements are also further constrained by the size and the sensitivity of the radiation, GPS and computer equipment. The introduction of new, more robust and transportable equipment however, provided the opportunity for the development of a new field measuring system. This new system integrated a sintiSPEC detector, a Yuma Trimble Tablet PC and real time analyses and plotting software.

This system also interpolates data and produces radionuclide concentrations and maps while on location. These maps are currently being applied to several research fields which include archaeology, geology, palaeontology and human radiation exposure. This presentation will provide an overview of the new detection system and illustrate results of test trials and research projects.

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