GIS Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in Livestock Borehole allocation in Tribal Land in Ngamiland District, Botswana
GIS for spatial analysis
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Emmanuel Tembo, University of Botswana,Botswana,
Gakethata Bontsibakae, University of Botswana, Botswana,
Land, pasture and water are key elements in livestock (beef) business and such their utilisation should be managed in a manner that will sustain current and future generations. Demand for Land is ever growing and therefore there is need for finding solutions for optimal use of land. One such solution is to use multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA) to manage this demand for land meant for Livestock production. MCDA can be used to model spatial decision problems so as to obtain an informative and objective decision.
A case study conducted in Ngamiland district used MCDA in determining the suitable sites for livestock boreholes. A multiple attribute value technique was applied in this case. The decision environment, decision makers requirements and problem attributes were considered in MCDA application and implementation. The main factors were cattle predators, cattle competitors, carrying capacity and livestock population which were evaluated, rated and aggregated to find suitable sites for borehole points for livestock. A suitability map was created based on set criteria using MCDA. The creation of suitability maps using this method presents new ways of locating boreholes for allocation which promote sustainable grazing.
This is significantly different from the current practice which only considers distance between boreholes as a factor in allocation of boreholes to applicants.