GWIMS: A FOSS Based Water Infrastructure Management Tool For The City Of Gweru, Zimbabwe
GIS Aplications
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Charles Paradzayi, Midlands State University, Zimbabwe,
Anos Kudakwashe Mhazo, Midlands State University, Zimbabwe,
Management of water infrastructure information in most local government authorities is carried out using manual systems which pose challenges for near real-time management of water infrastructure networks and effective decision-making. This paper outlines the development of an affordable web-based tool for managing water infrastructure information in the city of Gweru, Zimbabwe. The prototype is developed entirely using free and open source software packages such as PostgreSQL, PostGIS, PHP, and OpenLayers v3.
Attributes of spatial features to be displayed on web-maps are read using the Geographical JavaScript Object Notation (GeoJSON). The system is web based and presents a highly interactive water infrastructure map for city officials to browse using standard web clients on personal computers or mobile devices. Results from the Gweru Water Infrastructure Management System include maps about the water infrastructure resources and reports on water supply route analysis and planned infrastructure maintenance.