Multi-disciplinary City Management through Web-Based GIS



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Jaurez Dorfling, Data Design, South Africa,


Urbanization continues to grow at a rapid pace. This is the first time ever in humanity’s history that more people are living in cities rather than rural areas. With over 50% of the Global population urbanized. In Africa 40% live in cities. As a result, city infrastructure is under huge pressure to cope with the growing demand. City governments need to implement more efficient and effective management procedures to counteract this growing demand and plan for future urbanization. Implementing a single geospatial platform can be used to create collaboration and coordination between all departments including public transport, water & sanitation, electricity and emergency planning. Intergraph’s GeoMedia SmartClient (Web-based GIS) provides a superior planning, management and maintenance tool for the increased infrastructure demands evident in cities.

It focuses on automated geographical workflows to enable city planners and department managers to implement infrastructure more efficiently and cost effectively, while ensuring collaboration between departments and efficient roll-out of project implementation. City government departments have unlimited access to this application allowing further department specific workflows to be derived thus enhancing information sharing and making all facets of city management smarter and simpler. This paper will aim to give an overview of this solution and how it can be implemented throughout city municipalities.

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